Dive into the Realm of Ancestral Health
Ancestral Health in itself encompasses many areas that all partake in human health - from chronobiological health, to your environment, and nutrition. Just to name a few. The following books are my best picks to get you started. All links go to Amazon.
Ancestral Health is all about looking backwards and reconnecting to one's heritage as a human being, as Homo Sapiens - not the race Domesticus Fragilus we slowly deteriorate into. While looking backwards we also want to apply modern and qualitative modern findings from science, not some pseudo-ideologies. Therefore, this umbrella term divides itself in many areas that in itself are very complex. One can study circadian rhythms and the effect of light onto one's body for a lifetime.
But fortunately to get an understanding you do not need to become the expert per se. The books listed down below were the ones that helped me form a basic understanding - they provided valuable knowledge, challenging concepts, and great further resources if one wishes to dive even deeper.
Evolution makes Sense
The book here listed will help you gain a basic understanding regarding animal-based diets, human breathing mechanics, environmental toxins, sleep, fasting & chronobiological health:
Breath* by James Nestor
The Carnivore Code* by Dr. Paul Saladino
Estrogeneration* by Dr. Anthony Jay
Why we Sleep* by Dr. Matthew Walker
Intuitive Fasting* by Dr. Will Cole
Salt Fix* & Mineral Fix* by Dr. James DiNicolantio
Degeneration of Western Nutrition* by Westen A. Price
My Experience
I started diving deep into Ancestral Health roughly 1.5 years ago. The catalyst was the Carnivore Diet that let me question many solidly hold beliefs and dive down a lot of rabbit holes just to find out that nearly everything common sense assumes misses the mark.
Ancestral Health helped me get towards superior health through understanding my body and simple, yet effective mechanisms. This is why I am so fervent of this topic - it is powerful. Wonders happen when you live like you are supposed to.
Further Reading
Animal-Based Diet - this beast of a post summarizes most things you need to know to construct your own animal-based diet and covers topics like seasonality, meats, organs, zoonutrients & plant toxicity.
The free Pillar of Health eBook - Grab this ebook for free. It is meant as a quick and dirty guide addressing the cornerstones of health, the very cornerstone principles Ancestral Health is built ipon.
The Free Micronutrients Guide - This small project (that has gone big) covers all minerals, vitamins & zoonutrients in the context of an animal-based diet. Yet I would say it should be the companion for everyone to look into from time to time.
Other great resources are the Fundamental Health Podcast & the Huberman Lab Podcast covering many topics.