Most incredible Piece of Engineering
Your body is a masterpiece shaped by billions of years of evolution - the books down below dive into the science of it and its working. Click the button to go to the respective Amazon list or use the specific links for each.
While the body is complex, understanding comes easy, as it often is very logically. The great thing nowadays is that many highly-qualified scientists studying at the frontiers of modern knowledge write about their findings - many of the books I refer to are from specialists within their field and active researchers that truly know what they talk about rather than outdated knowledge that still gets taught in universities.
By understanding the mechanisms how your body works you can troubleshoot it and conclude where things might go wrong.
Understanding Mechanisms
The human body is fascinating and knowledge helps to troubleshoot. Especially if you personally have issues with certain areas, learning about it from specialists is often the first step to real change by taking responsibility instead of inferring it to your healthcare professional:
The Molecule of More* by Daniel Lieberman & Michael Long
How Emotions are Made* by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Dirty Genes* by Ben Lynch
Jaws* by Sandra Kahn & Paul Ehrlich
Navigating Metabolism* by Navdeep Chandel
Healthy Gut, Healthy You* by Michael Ruscio
My Experience
I always loved the human body - that was the reason why I first went into the medical sector and wanted to learn about it hands on.
This interest still persists, while I acknowledge that modern medicine is beyond all its advances, broken in some places and corrupt at others. For me, the best thing was always to learn hands on from specialists and take the matters in my own hands rather than getting told what to do by outdated dogmatists.

Further Reading
The Joints Series - For now I wrote posts addressing the anatomy, function, prehab and training specifically of the Feet, Neck & Wrists, more are to come on the other joints that your body possesses.
Sleep & Circadian Rythym - In these two posts you can learn all you need to know for starters on sleep, its architecture, the circadian rhythm and how those mechanisms are mirrored within your body's physiology.