The Art of Living
Philosophy is the art of living and the art of dying - it shall equip you with the tools to lead a noble life - full of life. The buttons will lead you to the respective Amazon list, the links directly to the books.
Humans puzzled since the dawn of time with life - what's the meaning, how is a noble life best lived, and what defines excellence? Many thinkers smarter than us both (probably) wrestled with these thought and put together coherent frameworks. They act as a guideline of values towards being a better human being. While none of them is an absoulte, as guidelines some have the potential to help you onto the right path and be a better part of your community.
Practice what you learn
Life is to be lived and philosophy to be practised. The following books cover the topics of mythology, mysticism, stoicism, and existentialism:
The Life of the Stoics* & The Daily Stoic* by Ryan Holiday
The Hero's Journey* by Joseph Campbell
12 Rules for Life* by Jordan Peterson
The Denial of Death* by Ernest Becker
Awareness* by Anthony de Mello
My Experience
Stoicism was the first big philosophy to find its way to into my life and changed my personality for good. Many values I carry stem from it and evolved over the years, enriched by learning from mythology and other mystics and thinkers.
Your own credo is not stale, but evolves with you. Yet, I am glad that certain frameworks of thoughts provided exactly that and helped me to get find similarities and get through the stormy times of life.
Because philosophy is practical and lived.
Further Reading
I never wrote anything going deep specifically into philosophies here. Great other sources to dive into are the books and authors listed above, as well as the original texts that make up the canons of the big religions - there lies wisdom in the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Koran, as well as Kabbalistic and Gnostic writings.