This move is the most frustrating you'll ever encounter. Nonetheless, the jounrey is fulfilling.
Learn Calisthenics Skills
Skills are what we all are after, aren’t we? While the specific skills deviate strongly, everyone in Calisthenics is after something.
For some, it might be a Front Lever, while others are after the Handstand – like my upside-down-addicted self.
Besides tips or even whole workouts for these strength-related skills, you will also find mobility skills covered, like the Pike or Pancake.
The L-Sit is an intermediate skill combining flexibility with pushing strength. Learn here the best way to achieve it!
Work through this checklist and get started.
Parallettes are an awesome tool and can like Gymnastic rings transform your entire training. Learn here all you need to use parallettes for Calisthenics! approach to work towards this impressive skill!
Often the question arises if rings or bars are better. But it often depends on the context which one is superior.
Low Balances are often also called Inversions in the Yoga space and I bet you already can name many of...
Discover these two important principles of how your upper body can produce force - to enhance your strength building success.