For strength athletes cardio most often is an unbeloved topic. Nonetheless, your old-me will thank you!
Improve your Recovery
He who trains hard has to also recover hard.
Most only see the latter part of the medal and skip on recovery. Sleep nowadays is seen as uncool or something one can do when dead. #FOMO
Let’s break with this attitude and prioritize sleep again, plus improve the other recovery methods such as nutrition, light movement, and passive treatments.
Your health will thank you!
More recovery = more gains!
Light Stretching can provenly help your body to signal it's time to wind down and head to bed. These 6 can help you.
Workout hard and rest hard...
Movement fits to mornings - likewise coffee!
Not only for recovery, but also for warmup and training purposes can this tool be used.
Sleeping well happens not by chance - the environment has to fit.