This move is the most frustrating you'll ever encounter. Nonetheless, the jounrey is fulfilling.
All about Calisthenics
Calisthenics is the main cornerstone of my Blog. It is much more than pure strength and starting Calisthenics isn’t as hard as you might think – quite on the contrary.
In this category, you’ll find everything about it – the best bodyweight exercises, cool workout routines to try, tips for beginners, or simply my two cents to many topics.
Weights and calisthenics don't go together? I show you three weighted shoulder exercises you should do!
Everybody needs mentors - these were the ones influencing my approach to calisthenics and bodyweight sports the most. approach to work towards this impressive skill!
Ab training is a hot topic. Some do it every day, others never. What is the Calisthenics approach to ab work?
You are new to Calisthenics? Check out the first part of my free beginners program series!
Shoulder pain is very common. I think every human had to deal with it
For strength athletes cardio most often is an unbeloved topic. Nonetheless, your old-me will thank you!
Calisthenics is more than brute strength. It is skill-oriented and your personal practice depending on the skills.
Have fun with the second workout out of my beginners program!
The third and last workout of my beginner's program gets your legs trembling.