Everybody needs mentors - these were the ones influencing my approach to calisthenics and bodyweight sports the most.
Equipment is there to get a job done and enhance the experience of your training. It should provide a new stimulus.
Proteins are the building blocks of life and therefore a very special and unique macronutrient. Your whole DNA apparatus is dependent on the production of proteins - if that not hits the message home I don't know what does!
Ask a coworker and chances are high that you will get the answer that one of them suffers a bad neck - if not all of them.
This move is the most frustrating you'll ever encounter. Nonetheless, the jounrey is fulfilling.
...addictive content warning. Proceed on your own risk!
Foot issues are surging to new heights - is every one going barefoot the solution to this problem?
Build your house from the bottom up and start thinking at your feet - the very fundament you stand upon every day anew.
The framework for your flexibility training.
Carbohydrates are nowadays satanized. But are they truly that bad for your health?
2020 was a very productive year and changed my life big time.
It's rather a party trick...